Finding the ray_results folder in colab

The location of ray_results folder in colab when using RLlib &/or tune.

If you’re NOT using but using only RLlib’s python API & if you set the local_dir in RLlib’s config to a non-default directory, (The default is ~/ray_results.) you will only find the results.json file (& your checkpoint folders if you also specify them) in your specified directory. The other files such as the tensorboard event files, the params.pkl & params.json will still be saved in the default directory.

However, if you use & set the local_dir argument to your specified directory, all the files will be saved there.

If you’re using colab, the way to access ~/ray_results is to click on a small folder icon on the left of the panel, it will open up a side panel, simply go to root/ray_results. All those files will be saved in there.

Note: It seems like setting the (1)local_dir in RLlib’s config will not automatically set the (2)local_dir in the Experiment class in if you’re not using



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