Python's multiprocessing package

This post demonstrates how to use the Python’s multiprocessing package to achieve parallel data generation.

The main program has a chief that spawns multiple worker processes. Each worker spawns a single work process. The work process generates random integer data [1,3].

Each worker has it’s own local queue. When data is generated, it is stored in it’s local queue. When the local queue’s size is greater than 5, the data is retrieved & 0.1 is added to the data, this result is stored in the Chief’s global queue. When the Chief’s global queue’s size is greater than 3, the result is retrieved & printed on screen.

Code on my Github

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The Worker class:

class Worker(object):
  def __init__(self, worker_id, g_queue):
    self.g_queue = g_queue
    self.worker_id = worker_id
    self.queue = Queue() # local worker queue
    self.work_process = Process(, args=())
    info(worker_id, self.work_process, "Worker")

  def work(self):

    info(self.worker_id, self.work_process, "work")

    while True:
      data = np.random.randint(1,4)

      # process data in queue
      if self.queue.qsize() > 5:
        data = self.queue.get()
        result = data + 0.1
        self.g_queue.put(result) # send result to global queue

      time.sleep(1) # work every x sec interval

    return self.w_id  

The Chief class:

class Chief(object):
  def __init__(self, num_workers):
    self.g_queue = Queue() # global queue    
    self.num_workers = num_workers

  def dispatch_workers(self):   
    worker_processes = [Process(target=Worker(w_id, self.g_queue), args=()) for w_id in range(num_workers)]
    return worker_processes

  def result(self):
    if self.g_queue.qsize() > 3:
      result = self.g_queue.get()
      print("result", result)

The main program:

if __name__ == '__main__':  
  print('main parent process id:', os.getppid())
  print('main process id:', os.getpid())

  num_workers = 2
  chief = Chief(num_workers)
  workers_processes = chief.dispatch_workers()

  i = 0
  while True:    
    time.sleep(2) # chk g_queue every x sec interval to get result
    print("i=", i)

    if i>9:

A helper display function:

def info(worker_id, process, function_name):
    print("worker_id=", worker_id,
          'module name:', __name__,
          'function name:', function_name,
          'parent process:', os.getppid(),
          'current process id:', os.getpid(),
          'spawn process id:',



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