Output dimension from convolution layer

How to calculate dimension of output from a convolution layer?

No padding (aka valid padding):

input = n x n = 6 x 6

kernel = f x f = 3 x 3

output = m x m = 4 x 4

How do we get output = 4 x 4 ?

Ans: Use the formula: (n - f + 1) x (n - f + 1)

With padding of size 1:

p = 1

input = n x n = 6 x 6

kernel = f x f = 3 x 3

output = m x m = 6 x 6

How do we get output = 6 x 6 ?

Ans: Use the formula: (n + 2p - f + 1) x (n + 2p - f + 1)

Meaning of valid padding & same padding:

1) No padding is also known as valid padding.

2) Same padding means pad input so that the resulting output dimension after convolution will be the same as input.

Size of padding needed to achieve same padding:

Size of padding needed to achieve same padding depends on the kernel size, f.

Using p = (f - 1) / 2 will produce output dimension = input dimension.



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