Measurement & mixed states for quantum systems.
Notes on measurement for quantum systems.
This post documents my implementation of the Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization (Distributed PPO or DPPO) algorithm. (Distributed continuous version)
Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization (Distributed PPO or DPPO) continuous version implementation with distributed Tensorflow and Python’s multiprocessing package. This implementation uses normalized running rewards with GAE. The code is tested with Gym’s continuous action space environment, Pendulum-v0 on Colab.
Code on my Github:
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current policy = \({\pi}_{\theta} (a_{t} {\mid} s_{t})\)
old policy = \({\pi}_{\theta_{old}} (a_{t} {\mid} s_{t})\)
epsilon = \({\epsilon}\)
Advantage function = A
Truncated version of generalized advantage estimation (GAE) =
\(A_{t}\) = \({\delta}_{t} + ({\gamma} {\lambda}) {\delta}_{t} + ... + ({\gamma} {\lambda}) ^{T-t+1} {\delta}_{T-1}\)
where \({\delta}_{t}\) = \({r}_{t} + {\gamma} V(s_{t+1}) - V(s_{t})\)
when \({\lambda}\) = 1,
\(A_{t}\) = \(-V(s_{t}) + r_{t} + {\gamma}r_{t+1} + ... + {\gamma}^{T-t+1} r_{T-1} + {\gamma}^{T-t} V(s_{T})\)
Probability ratio =
\(R_{t}({\theta})\) = \({\dfrac{ {\pi}_{\theta} (a_{t} {\mid} s_{t}) } { {\pi}_{\theta_{old}} (a_{t} {\mid} s_{t}) } }\)
Clipped Surrogate Objective function =
\(L^{CLIP} ({\theta})\) = \(\mathop{\mathbb{E_{t}}} \lbrack min( R_{t}({\theta}) A_{t} , clip ( R_{t}({\theta}), 1+{\epsilon}, 1-{\epsilon} ) A_{t} ) \rbrack\)
The following class is adapted from OpenAI’s baseline: This class is used for the normalization of rewards in this program before GAE computation.
class RunningStats(object):
def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-4, shape=()):
self.mean = np.zeros(shape, 'float64')
self.var = np.ones(shape, 'float64')
self.std = np.ones(shape, 'float64')
self.count = epsilon
def update(self, x):
batch_mean = np.mean(x, axis=0)
batch_var = np.var(x, axis=0)
batch_count = x.shape[0]
self.update_from_moments(batch_mean, batch_var, batch_count)
def update_from_moments(self, batch_mean, batch_var, batch_count):
delta = batch_mean - self.mean
new_mean = self.mean + delta * batch_count / (self.count + batch_count)
m_a = self.var * self.count
m_b = batch_var * batch_count
M2 = m_a + m_b + np.square(delta) * self.count * batch_count / (self.count + batch_count)
new_var = M2 / (self.count + batch_count)
self.mean = new_mean
self.var = new_var
self.std = np.maximum(np.sqrt(self.var), 1e-6)
self.count = batch_count + self.count
This function in the PPO
class is adapted from OpenAI’s Baseline,
returns TD lamda return & advantage
def add_vtarg_and_adv(self, R, done, V, v_s_, gamma, lam):
# Compute target value using TD(lambda) estimator, and advantage with GAE(lambda)
# last element is only used for last vtarg, but we already zeroed it if last new = 1
done = np.append(done, 0)
V_plus = np.append(V, v_s_)
T = len(R)
adv = gaelam = np.empty(T, 'float32')
lastgaelam = 0
for t in reversed(range(T)):
nonterminal = 1-done[t+1]
delta = R[t] + gamma * V_plus[t+1] * nonterminal - V_plus[t]
gaelam[t] = lastgaelam = delta + gamma * lam * nonterminal * lastgaelam
#print("adv=", adv.shape)
#print("V=", V.shape)
#print("V_plus=", V_plus.shape)
tdlamret = np.vstack(adv) + V
#print("tdlamret=", tdlamret.shape)
return tdlamret, adv # tdlamret is critic_target or Qs
The following code segment from the PPO
class defines the Clipped Surrogate
Objective function:
with tf.variable_scope('surrogate'):
ratio = self.pi.prob(self.act) / self.oldpi.prob(self.act)
surr = ratio * self.adv
self.aloss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.minimum(surr, tf.clip_by_value(ratio, 1.-epsilon, 1.+epsilon)*self.adv))
The following code segment from the work()
function in the worker class
normalized the running rewards for each worker:
buffer_r = np.clip( (np.array(buffer_r) - self.running_stats_r.mean) / self.running_stats_r.std, -stats_CLIP, stats_CLIP )
The following code segment from the work()
function in the worker class computes
the TD lamda return & advantage:
tdlamret, adv = self.ppo.add_vtarg_and_adv(np.vstack(buffer_r), np.vstack(buffer_done), np.vstack(buffer_V), v_s_, GAMMA, lamda)
The following update function in the PPO
class does the training & the
updating of global & local parameters (Note the at the beginning of training,
probability ratio = 1):
def update(self, s, a, r, adv):
for _ in range(A_EPOCH): # train actor, {self.state: s, self.act: a, self.adv: adv})
# update actor[self.push_actor_pi_params,
{self.state: s, self.act: a, self.adv: adv})
for _ in range(C_EPOCH): # train critic
# update critic, {self.state: s, self.discounted_r: r})[self.push_critic_params,
{self.state: s, self.discounted_r: r})
The distributed Tensorflow & multiprocessing code sections are very similar to the ones describe in the following posts:
Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms (Schulman, Wolski, Dhariwal, Radford, Klimov, 2017)
Emergence of Locomotion Behaviours in Rich Environments (Nicolas Heess, Dhruva TB, Srinivasan Sriram, Jay Lemmon, Josh Merel, Greg Wayne, et al., 2017)
Notes on measurement for quantum systems.
Notes on quantum states as a generalization of classical probabilities.
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Ray (0.8.2) RLlib trainer common config from:
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Changing Google drive directory in Colab.
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Filter rows with same column values in a Pandas dataframe.
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Creating & seeding a random policy class in RLlib.
A custom MARL (multi-agent reinforcement learning) environment where multiple agents trade against one another in a CDA (continuous double auction).
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This post documents my implementation of the Random Network Distillation (RND) with Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. (continuous version)
This post documents my implementation of the Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization (Distributed PPO or DPPO) algorithm. (Distributed continuous version)
This post documents my implementation of the A3C (Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic) algorithm (Distributed discrete version).
This post documents my implementation of the A3C (Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic) algorithm. (multi-threaded continuous version)
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